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The congress will be organized at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences and the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Food and Environment of Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy.


The congress will be structured in SEVEN SIMPOSIA dealing with different fields in evolutionary biology:


  • Biodiversity conservation using genes and genomes

  • Dynamics of genomic diversity in domesticated species

  • Population genetics using modern and ancient data

  • Advances in phylogeography and phylogenomics

  • Behaviour and ecology: an evolutionary perspective

  • Evolution of forms from genes to cells to organisms

  • Microbial genomics and evolution

There will be a poster session, social and outreach events, and awards for our young scholars (more info coming soon!).


The Society is also pleased to offer a crash course in Best practices for high quality genome assembly, organized in partnership with the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) consortium.



The SIBE 2022 congress will take place in the "Aula Magna" at the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Food and Environment, Polo Monte Dago, Marche Polytechnic University. The congress venue in Polo Monte Dago can be reached by bus (1/4, 46, 46/PolitecnicaLink from the station or city centre to Tavernelle)


Hotels, B&B and restaurants can be found in the city centre. Accommodation can also be found in the countryside as well as all along the Adriatic coast nearby (private car is needed). As Ancona is a busy destination in the summer we strongly recommend to book your accommodation well in advance.


Ancona can be reached by air (aeroporto Raffaello Sanzio), railway from Bologna (min. 1.45 hrs), Milan (min. 3.20 hrs) or  Rome (min. 3.45 hrs), or ferry from Croatia, Albania and Greece.


We look forward to seeing you in Ancona.


The Organizing and the Scientific Committee

Supported by (con il patrocinio di)


Società Italiana di Biologia Evoluzionistica

C.F. 92048830050
Sede legale: Via Testa 89, 14100 Asti

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