Registration is mandatory to submit an Abstract (only one allowed per registration).
Upon registration you will be able to include your abstract as well.
Authors should indicate their preference for:
Oral presentation
Poster presentation
Upon submission, please indicate the preferred Symposium for your abstract.
Participants who want to present studies on topics that do not fall within any themed symposia are also welcome (please, select the option “other” in the form).
All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English
Define all abbreviations
Abstracts must not contain copyrighted material
Limit abstract to 2000 characters including spaces (approx. 350 words)
If you have any questions, please contact congresso@sibe-iseb.it
Guidelines for Poster presentation:
Poster size: standard A0 Format - 841mm (width) x 1189mm (height), PORTRAIT orientation
Fixing material will be available in the posters area
Conference staff will be available to assist you during the time of poster mounting
The poster boards will be numbered by the organizers
Posters eligible for the SIBE Best Poster Prize (by Master and PhD students) will be will be also flagged
Posters will be displayed throughout the entire Congress. We kindly ask to remove your poster during the lunch break on Wednesday 11 th
Guidelines for Oral presentation:
Presentation Duration: Your presentation should last a total of 15 minutes, including time for questions
Slide Format: Please prepare your slides in PowerPoint format, ensuring compatibility with Windows 11. Additionally, provide a PDF version for any unforeseen circumstances.
Aspect Ratio: Set your screen aspect ratio to 4:3
Upload Deadline: Kindly upload your presentation no later than 24 hours before your scheduled symposium. You will receive an invitation to a designated Google folder where you can submit your files
File Naming: Name your files as follows:
Surname_Name.ppt (for PowerPoint) and
Surname_Name.pdf (for PDF)